Your Replies

The “Birding With Lois” show is a collaborative event. It started with Lois Richter wondering one day in After hours (in December 2021) about how she could improve her annual slide show — “Winter Birds in Davis” — which she had been giving for over 10 years as a docent at the UCD Arboretum in Davis, California. Several members of that (AH/OH) community expressed interest and the “birding project” was off and flying.

Lots of brainstorming, offers of programs and processes, creating a new “brand”, weeks of testing, and practice- practice- PRACTICE! culminated in the premiere of “Birding With Lois” on 7 April 2022.

The BWL community is a combination of the folks interested in PRODUCTION (from After Hours or Office Hours) and folks interested in BIRDING (from watching the show and hearing about things from Lois). All these people are encouraged to weigh in on any questions posted as Posts with Comments. So…
Start with any post and look around there.


One goal is to encourage and inspire birders
— both novice and not —
to become more comfortable with
and more active in birding.

Another goal is to provide an opportunity
to share one’s technical expertise or
learn how to produce a show.

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